Webtron Sponsors The Warrnambool Breastfeeding Centre Short Film Festival
Published on November 10th, 2014
Short Film Festival by the Warrnambool Breastfeeding Centre
Webtron is delighted to be a Proud Sponsor of The Warrnambool Breastfeeding Centre Short Film Festival for 2015.
The topic of motherhood and breastfeeding can be a delicate and sometimes difficult one to address. Our world is filled with countless channels of information and misinformation. Finding a supportive network for the percentage of new mothers who find difficulty with breastfeeding can be a blessing. This is where the Warrnambool Breastfeeding Centre comes into the picture. The Warrnambool Breastfeeding Centre offers a safe and central hub in South Western Victoria for new and experienced mothers. These mothers meet regularly to discuss their experiences of motherhood. They offer a warm and friendly environment. This ensures that mothers have a safe and nurturing place where mothers can feed their babies.
Webtron Engaging Online Solutions has been providing online video and webcast solutions to Australian Corporates and Organisations such as the Australian Breastfeeding Conferences, Holden and the Department of Health since 2007.
For more information about the festival, or to submit your own short video, please contact via The Warrnambool Breastfeeding Centre website.